My experience in Univerzitná Nemocnica Martin

I arrived for the first time in Martin on the 14th of September, it wasn´t my favourite day because I was alone at the beginning, but soon, it changed. Now my experience has finished, and I only have nice words to describe my acommodation in this small city. People are really kind, and since my arrival until the end, they have been lovely with me, actually, I didn´t want to come back to Spain.

Yes, it could be strange, we have sun, we have hot weather, we have the beach, I have my family here…the problem is that during 3 months I have met a new family, my Erasmus Family. I love each one of them, individually they gave me something special that I took with me. It is one of the best experiences that I have had in my life.

My experience_Eva Pinzao (de Valencia en Eslovaquia) - copia_Página_6

My experience at the hospital has been really productive, I have been in ICU (Intensive care unit) and in OT (operating theatre). From my point of view, I prefered OT, because it was my first time there and everything was new and awesome. In Martin they have very good professionals, they give the best to the patient and they do their job showing their best stadard of care. My assigned nurses, both of them, were the best nurses that I could have had.

They taught me new things and they explained to me all the illnesses that I didn´t know. They gave me their time, atention and affection, and I´m extremely grateful for that. The doctors spoke to me about patients‘ problems in English and also about the surgery process. I have learned and discovered a lot of things.

I had the oportunity to compare two countries for the first time, and doing the job that I love, so, I can´t ask for more. I only can say “thank you“ to everybody: the University, Jana, Maika, Marta, Lukas the staff from the hospital, the students that helped me, people from Martin, from Slovakia in general, and also to my university in Valencia for giving me this oportunity. I would like to repeat this experience and I hope that if I go back there people remember me, because I took with me a piece of all them. Eva

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