Experiencia IN – Martins Plavejs

Martins Plavejs, estudiante internacional estudió con la Universidad Católica de Valencia durante el primer cuatrimestre 19/20 en la facultad de CAFD. A continuación nos cuenta su experiencia:

“Mi nombre es Mārtiņš Pļāvējs y tengo 20 años! Soy estudiante Erasmus de Letonia y yo estudio ciencias la actividad fisica y el deportes en Universitat Catolica de Valencia. Me gusto Valencia mucho, porque la gente es muy amigable, la ciudad es increíble!

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That’s about enough of my spanish skills, but the city of Valencia is very good. Not only the student life here is good, but also living here – the people are always helpful, talkative and fun. Also, other Erasmus students are awesome, because you get to explore a little bit of each country – what they like, what they don’t like, how they talk, react, feel. It’s amazing how people can be so alike and so different at the same time. It is good that our spanish friends help us around, teach us things about España, help us with the language, city and much more. After this experience, I would definetely call them true friends!

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I also like what I study here so I am hoping I will return with more knowledge study-wise as well!

I have learned many things while living here, por ejemplo, adult life, because back home I live with my mother and it is awesome, I love her. But living alone is awesome as well, taking care of yourself, being an adult.

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And the festival Fallas is a whole different story! For me, something very new and exciting to experience something like that.

There’s a lot more to say, I could probably write a 1000 word essay, but then I would spoil some things, so you just have to come here and find out by yourself!”

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Thankyou Martins, for sharing your experience with us! / Gracias Martins, por compartir tu experiencia con nosotros!

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