Experiencia de Magda Ciszynska, Incoming UCV student 2015/16

Experiencia de Magda Ciszynska, Incoming UCV student 2015/16


Magda Ciszynska, estudiante de Enfermería de la Medical University of Bialystok (Polonia), nos relata su experiencia como estudiante en prácticas durante los cuatro meses de su estancia Erasmus.  Aquí tenéis, en primera persona, sus recuerdos e impresiones.



I would like to say that  I’ve spent in Valencia 4 months. It was for me the the most adventurous time in my life! I had to find myself in the new university- Universidad Catolica the Valencia, which I loved straigh away! Both of my coordinators were very profesional and helpfull. Though the place where I’ve spend most of my time was hospital Casa de Salud. There I had the opportunity to get experience, work with Spanish people only and see a completely new way of dealing with hospitals problems everyday. That was a great way to really experience and understand the Spanish people. Moreover I could get more informations about traditions, and culture in Spain. I’ve learned so much! Mostly during my night shifts I had a chance to spend free time with the Spanish nurses. We have been talking for hours. What is more, the nurses were the ones who taught me most of the spanish I know (and all the Valenciano I know). In addition, I had to immerse myself in a new language, and now I know there is no better way to learn Spanish language than to spend some time in Spain. Also one of the biggest benefits of studying abroad was the opportunity to meet new friends from different countries and cultures.All in all, I will never forget about this amazing time of my life!
Gracias Magda por haber elegido nuestra institución y por tu ayuda durante las prácticas en el Hospital Casa de Salud.

La coordinadora internacional Esther Navarro nos cuenta que: ” Magda llegó sola pero eso no fue problema porque hizo un montón de amigos muy rápidamente. Se convirtió en una persona muy popular y querida en poco tiempo, ganándose a alumnos, profesores y tutores de prácticas en el hospital. Una persona tan profesional como divertida. Aprendió un montón de español y guardamos muy buen recuerdo de su sentido del humor. Se echa de menos su alegría. Ha prometido volver y la esperaremos!”

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