Experiencia OUT – Alba Ochando

The experience of today is very interesting and kind of innovative, from a blended mobility programme we recently have at the UCV, the EU-CONEXUS Minor Programmes.

Alba Ochando, student of Biotechnology, started the Minor Programme in virtual mode, and then travel to Croatia in a combine blended mobility. Here is her experience:


I’ve spent a week in Ilovik, as a blended mobility of the Minor’s course Introduction to Underwater Archeology and it has been an amazing experience where I have learned very much. During this mobility I had the chance to participate in an archeological extraction project as well as being able to take a diving course. The teacher Irena gave us the possibility of carrying out a mobility at Ilovik island in Croatia, where her team is working on the remains found 24 meters underwater between Italy and Croatia.


I have acquired a lot of knowledge about archeology and also about how being underwater. Some students and I spent there one week taking the open water diver course with two instructors. In the morning we took the lessons and, during the afternoon we did the inventory of the objects archaeologists had taken from the sunken ship. We clasified and registered them on database. At the end of the stay we finished the practice and navigate into the open sea to dive down to 15 meters underwater.

I really enjoyed the whole week, meeting with new people from other countries and sharing with them the incredible experience of diving and learning from archeologists.”

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