
International Week of Teaching and Research of the ECEO

Experiencia del profesor Miguel Ángel Latorre durante la international week of Teaching and Research of the ECEO de la Universidad de Lusófona de Lisboa, Portugal:

My international experience is in Lisbon, Portugal, from May 8 to 12, 2023. I attended the IV International Week of Teaching and Research of the ECEO – School of Economics and Organizational Sciences of the Universidade Lusófona.

The International Week started on the first day with the Welcome Session and Meeting with the Pro-Rector for Mobility. This session was very nice where I met Miguel Baião dos Santos who was the coordinator of this international week. Also, I met the rest of the professors who participated of the different universities from all over the world. For example, Finland, Poland, Turkey, and other professors from other countries. During this week I participated in two teaching sessions and one research session. Thus, I share my Financial Experience in different academic activities. For instance, in my financial management class with the 3rd Grade students of Economic Policy with Professor António Costa and the Banking and Insurance students of the Master Economia with Professor Eduardo Tome. I enjoyed the professionalism of these professors and the kindness of their students towards my presentation in English and their excellent behaviour and attendance throughout the time I was in their classes.

Throughout this week, I discovered new places in Lisbon. It is not possible to discover this city in one week because of the number of historical buildings, its varied gastronomy, and many better things. On the last day, we had a research session where I have my different lines of research and I could work on topics that the other professor is working on in their universities. In summary, I recommend this international experience, on the one hand, for the high academic quality of the professors, and on the other hand, for the cordial atmosphere between professors, students, and organization. I would like to thank very much for the support of the ORI of my university and colleagues the travel services.  Muito obrigado pela vossa hospitalidade e até breve.

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